🎩🎩🎩 Trusted parts on first place Today I have a time-saving tip for engineers looking for reliable component sources. I buy components at 1️⃣ Digi-Key Electronics 2️⃣ Mouser Electronics 3️⃣ Farnell Electronics I always aim to buy everything from those
Waiting will end soon
🏭🏭🏭 Manufacturing day The board has already arrived. I shared a photo yesterday. Today, I am going to make the board living. The revised schematic and PCB layout improve the previous version by 1️⃣ adding low-noise auxiliary LDO as the
Finally home
🆕🆕🆕 New PCBs arrived! It is going to be fun. I have been waiting for them a while and now they are home. These PCBs are dedicated to the analogue divider project processing signals from four PIN photodiodes. 1️⃣ multiple
BeastH7 lives
🦍🦍🦍 BeastH7 data acquisition My BeastH7 project is in action. I have been using it for data acquisition purposes. It is a great tool for that. What is the BeastH7? 1️⃣ dual-core STM32H757 MCU 2️⃣ mikroBUS interface 3️⃣ dual analogue
Design Templates are useless
💪💪💪 Nobody needs Hardware Design Templates Engineers do have everything = drawings and datasheets. But… I have been working on another piece to the #hardwaretemplates mosaic called PCIe Mini modules. I have used all available documents. Including one unavailable 🙂
NanoVNA v praxi
📡📡📡 NanoVNA antenna tuning Yesterday, I wrote about the return to the EV charger control unit project. Today, I am verifying the RF setup with my small but smart NanoVNA. I bought it about 2 years ago and it is
EV charger returns
🔎🔎🔎 Return to the EV charger control unit Today I have been working on the EV charger control unit project. The simple but important task is returning to this project. It contains: 1️⃣ STM32F051 2️⃣ 433 MHz RF module 3️⃣
Edge Cuts line thicknesses
🎩🎩🎩 Edge cuts thickness in the KiCAD Footprint editor This tip deals with tiny detail settings for the Footprint editor. The default Edge cuts line thickness in the PCB editor is 0.10 mm. The default Edge cuts line thickness in
HW review se vyplatí
🔬🔬🔬 Příběh o HW revizi „Teď, když vidím váš obsáhlý report z HW revize tak si myslím, že jsem měl přijít už dříve…“ řekl mi před nějakou dobu zákazník HW revize. Mohu opravdu říct, že HW review report byl docela
🤷🤷🤷 Arduino nefunguje jako ISP programátor v macOS Pracuji na desce, která je jistým derivátem Arduino Uno desky. Používá tedy stejný mikrokontrolér, abych byl přesný. Již z minulosti jsem tušil, že každá Arduino deska by měla fungovat jako ISP programátor