🛠🛠🛠 Preparation of the new Hardware Design Templates for Beny-devices

What is it? You know it.

🎯 It is the BC53.6 DIN rail enclosure by @Phoenix Contact

1️⃣ There are many variants on how to place the extension boards

2️⃣ Up to 8 horizontal boards

3️⃣ Up to 4+6 vertical boards

There are two templates instead of one to make the product more readable.


🛠🛠🛠 Příprava další Hardware Design Template pro Beny-devices

Co je to za krabičku? Vy ji přece znáte.

🎯 Je to BC53.6 DIN rail krabička od Phoenix-Contact

1️⃣ Existuje moře variant jak umístit rozšiřující desky

2️⃣ Až 8 horizontálních desek

3️⃣ Až 4+6 vertikálních desek

Preparation of the new Hardware Design Template for Beny-devices.eu
Preparation of the new Hardware Design Template for Beny-devices.eu
BC53.6 DIN rail enclosure