🟦🟦🟦 Bluetooth @Beny-devices demo board soldering

The Using Template guide was built around the demonstration project for a smart BLE sensor device. Now I am working on the real device.

The first part is soldering. The board has a double-sided assembly. The BLE module will be reflowed. The other side components will be soldered manually.


🟦🟦🟦 Osazování demo desek pro Beny-devices

Návod Using Templates napsaný pro Beny-devices je postavený na demonstračním projektu chytrého BLE senzoru. Nyní je mým úkolem desky osadit.

První částí je pájení. Deska má oboustranné osazení, tedy stranu s BLE module budu pájet v peci, druhou stranu budu pájet ručně.

Optical check of the BLE demo board
Optical check of the BLE demo board
BLE demo for Beny-devices part 1